Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Liberalism doesn’t work to solve environmental problems just as it doesn’t solve problems of poverty, race, the economy, terrorism...

This blog is an effort to inspire the birth of a truly conservative alternative to contemporary liberal environmentalism.

Right off the bat that brings to mind a couple of questions:

First, isn’t “conservative environmentalism” an oxymoron? Isn’t it impossible to have a conservative environmentalism because all conservatives want to take us back to the “old ways” when everything was ruled by old white men whose lust for profits and dominance over nature created all of our environmental problems in the first place?

Second, why bother? Many conservative pundits are hard at work trying to do away with environmentalism. Rush Limbaugh has described environmentalism as “the new home of displaced communists” and “one of the tentacles of liberalism seeking to envelop our planet in its evil grip.” Others regularly refer to environmentalists as “radical” and “wackos.”

Why, then do we need a conservative environmentalism?

Addressing the second question first: We need a conservative environmentalism because it would identify and address environmental problems that are real and really need to be solved. It would not dream up problems (global warming, for instance) or pervert already existing problems (wildfire, species extinction), as does contemporary liberal environmentalism, so it can use them as tools to advance leftist goals, i. e., increase the sphere of government.

We need a conservative environmentalism because there are a lot of people who identify themselves as political conservatives who are as concerned about real environmental problems as any liberal. They want to have healthy watersheds, forests, and rangelands (I know because I’m one of those people.) but we don’t want to have to sign on to (or appear to sign on to) solutions to these problems that merely grow bigger government.

Which brings us back to the first question:

Is “conservative environmentalism” an oxymoron? Actually, it’s quite the opposite. I’m convinced, and I believe that via this blog I can convince you, that a conservative environmentalism is the only true environmentalism. The reason for this is because an environmentalism based on conservative principles would deal with environmental problems/opportunities rather than serve as merely a Trojan Horse for growing government. And, as in all instances where these two approaches go head to head, the conservative approach would solve the problem or realize the opportunity. The liberal approach would merely make the problem worse and then try to convince us that even more goverment would somehow give us a different result. That’s what it always does.

What’s the definition of insanity?

The actions of contemporary mainstream environmentalism harm the environment as well as help it. And in the cases where that is true, the more aggressively those actions are applied, the more harm they do. To let others know about those instances in which contemporary mainstream environmentalism, which I call Big Green) creates the opposite of what it purports to be its mission is the main reason I decided to create this blog.

Here on the RightWay2BGreen, you’ll see the true face of that harm and come to know why it happens, how it happens, and how it can be avoided. Most importantly, you’ll come to know what flaw in Big Green’s conceptual basis causes it to create the opposite of what it promises to create, and you’ll learn why people who sincerely believe they love nature end up harming it and refuse to even consider admitting or correcting their mistakes.

You will read things on this blog that you will read nowhere else. You will see pictures of environmental solutions that you will see nowhere else. In fact, you will see pictures of events and achievements that Big Green insists are impossible, and that it works constantly to discredit, coverup, or deny.

You’ll also read descriptions and see pictures of environmental harm perpetrated by Big Green that you will find nowhere else. Needless to say, Big Green is working constantly to discredit, cover up and deny that as well.

Coming next: Some of those descriptions and some of those pictures.

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